Mindil Beach Darwin

For Darwin’s sake,

Stop Middle Arm.

We love Darwin, and the lifestyle it supports.

We deserve clean air, a great harbour and a safe climate.

Family Fishing

But what we love about this place is under threat from massive fossil fuel factories planned for our precious Harbour. If the Middle Arm gas and petrochemical hub is built, this place will never be the same.

It’s time for our politicians to step up, and protect the Territory’s unique lifestyle. Not wreck it.

voices FOR darwin

Dr Louise Woodward, Paediatrician and Mother

“Middle Arm could seriously damage the health of families, now and in future generations. From leukemia to asthma to premature birth, Middle Arm’s potential health impacts represent an unacceptable risk for our children.”

Dr Amanda Lilleyman, Ecologist

Globally, migratory shorebirds have suffered some of the worst declines of any bird group, and as a consequence, there are 15 species of shorebirds on the Federal EPBC Act list. Of those, 14 are found in Darwin Harbour. These birds, ecosystems, and future generations all depend on what we do now. I do not support this development clearing intertidal mudflat or the coastal zone, including mangroves, hinterland habitat, and the terrestrial environment.

Louise Brown, Registered nurse

I’ve lived and worked as a nurse and health program coordinator in the Top End for over 30 years and I am appalled with the plan to build heavy industry in our harbour. We already have compromised air quality from existing harbour industry, why is our government pledging our money to increase industry so close to our homes? All children deserve a safe environment and our governments should be ensuring this basic right is upheld.

Oliver Johns, Teacher and Father

I’m Oli. I’m a teacher here in the Territory and I stand with over 300 of my colleagues in schools across the NT who say no to Middle Arm. We don’t want its chemicals, we don’t want its cancer and we don’t want it draining billions of taxpayer dollars away from schools.

Rob Woods, Tourism Operator

It is a shame that in the year 2024 the Territory Government is using the word ‘sustainable’ to greenwash a fossil-fuel-enabling mega-development on the doorstep of the residential population of Darwin. There are other pathways to develop the Top End without destroying it in the process. … Give me a healthy future over industrialised sickness anyday.

Tibby Quall, Traditional Owner Dangalaba, Larrakia Elder

It is very important to say that we don’t want further development of the Middle Arm petrochemical hub in our harbour. We don’t want all of the risks and the chemicals in the air. We don’t want the impacts on the animals, plants, trees and air, this project will cause danger to the population in Darwin and in the suburbs close and far. It will also destroy our heritage areas in the vicinity. It will create devastation, pollution, acidity in the atmosphere. We want to stop the development all together.

Petrochemical plant

Our politicians shouldn’t put our health, harbour and climate at risk for this.


Massive new gas and petrochemical wharves


New shipping movements a year

26 billion

litres of freshwater per year


increase in fine particulate air pollution

$3.5 billion

Taxpayer dollars wasted


hectares of bushland bulldozed


increase in industrial cancer risk


increase in NT carbon emissions

Read the Petroni Report

on the health impacts of Middle Arm

Dr Michael D. Petroni

detailing the flawed economics of the project

Tom Sanzillo, IEEFA

Read the Recharging the Territory Report

on an alternative economic vision for the Territory

Tom Quinn, Springmount Advisory

on the climate impacts of new gas projects in the NT

Dr Bill Hare

Join the movement today.

Authorised by K. Howey, Environment Centre NT, 3/98 Woods Street, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.